Sunday, March 19, 2017

Moma Response

So this isn't the actual picture that I'm referencing the photo from, but it's one of the only ones I could find from the exhibit online and it illustrates what the exhibit was: 101 photos of the photographer's family from the ages of 8 months to 100 years.

2nd crit

Saturday, March 18, 2017

2nd critique

Week 8 Wrap-Up

Martin Parr

Hi Everybody,

It's hard to believe that the semester is almost over!
We have just two classes before the final exhibition, and still a lot of work to do.

This last week was our second critique, and your work is looking fantastic so far.

Next week is Spring Break so there is no class. We will resume on April 1st.

Next class we will critique the work of this students who were absent. It will also be en open lab session for preparing your work for the final crit and exhibition.  Make sure you bring all of your files to class!
If you need extra time after class to work on your files or your final edit for the exhibition, I'm happy to stick around for a while.

This week's homework is pretty simple:
1: Post your images from this week's critique to the blog. If you weren't in class, post them anyway in preparation for next class.
2: Send me the first draft of your artist statement before next class.
3: Keep Shooting!

That's all for now. As always, please be in touch with any questions!


Week 7- MoMA

MoMa Response

Moma response

Image result for rue des cygnes moma

Friday, March 17, 2017

Moma response hw

Response to: Store Window- Washington D.C. by Robert Frank, 1957

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Week 7 Wrap-Up

JOHN GOSSAGE, Monumentenbricke, 1981

Hello everybody!

This week, we went to MoMA and saw The Shape of Things (exhibition site here) and a retrospective of Nan Goldin's work (also found here).

We also discussed "reading" photographs (in other words, how to look at and analyze a photographic image).

We looked at two ways to analyze a photograph--
Firstly, what the image denotes: what information is contained explicitly in the photograph ("This photograph is of a middle-aged woman in a black dress, standing on the stairs. Her arms are held out and there is a diamond ring on her right ring finger")
Secondly, what the image connotes: what we interpret from the photograph ("this image is about elegance and sophistication").

I've included two articles this will help you understand this better here and here.

In class, we filled out a worksheet analyzing three different photographs from the exhibition. If you weren't in class, the worksheet can be downloaded from the Dropbox. Choose any image from the exhibition link tav the top of this post.

Which leads us to this week's homework:

1. Choosing any one artwork that you analyzed in class:
create a photographic response (an image using a similar composition or technique, or that is in response to or interpretation of) to an image from the exhibition.

If you weren't in class, you can pick any photograph from the MoMA's online archive, found here.

Be sure to post the image before next week's class--we will be looking at them at the start.

2. Next week will be our 2nd critique! Come with 10 new images from your series to share, separated into a folder.

3. We will also have a very brief open lab session if you need an extra few minutes to organize your images.

That's it! Please be in touch with any questions or concerns, and have a great week!