Saturday, September 28, 2019

Rules of Composition

In case you'd like a refresher, here is a short overview of the 10 "rules" of composition:

Week 2 Wrap-Up

W. Eugene Smith, Dance of the Flaming Coke, 1955

Hi Everybody,

We covered a lot today--thanks for your attention and patience.

Now,  on to this week's homework:

1- Post a photo you shot during today's class. Be sure to label which compositional technique(s) you utilized. 

2- Shoot an example of each of the compositional rules we discussed. The pictures can be something you shoot at home. It can be multiple subjects or as simple as one set up ( a still life on your desk, for example) shot 10 different ways utilizing each rule of composition (one photograph for each rule). Post it to the blog, with the rule labeled beneath.

Here is the breakdown:
  • 1. Rule of Thirds
  • 2. Balancing Elements
  • 3. Leading Lines
  • 4. Viewpoint
  • 5. Background
  • 6. Symmetry & Pattern
  • 7. Depth
  • 8. Framing
  • 9. Cropping/Get Closer
  • 10. Experiment. 
Be sure to caption each photo so we know which technique you are using. Please post these images as a single blog post.

3- If you haven't already, please bring your lab fee with you next week. Scholars, this has already been taken care of.

4- Start shooting for your semester series. Be sure to pick up your camera and shoot something--anything--every day. If you aren't sure what your theme may be or where to start, just start shooting and pay attention to what catches your eye or gets you excited.
Get used to taking your camera with you everyday. Don’t self-edit right now—just shoot as much as possible.

That's it for now--as always, please be sure to email me if you have any questions or if anything is unclear.

Tips for Organizing Your Files

Hi everybody!

For the sake of ease and organization, I recommend organizing your hard drives / USB drives like this:

The workflow is as follows:
1. Download your cards to the "All Photos" folder
2. Copy or separate out any photos from your series to the "Series Photos" folder
3. Save your homework post images to the "Homework" folder

This is just a suggestion. Organize your files however is the most clear for your, and don't forget to back everything up!


I'm Kiana Pijuan I'm 16 years old, I like penguins and horror movies. My hobbies/interests are reading, writing,  music, art, video games, and sleeping.  My goals are to go to and complete college and be successful in my art career 

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Week 1 Wrap-Up

Eliott Erwitt. 'Felix, Gladys and Rover' New York City, 1974

Hey Everybody!

Thanks for a great first class! I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone does over the semester

You should be all set to post to the blog. I've posted a tutorial on the blog to show you how to make a post and upload videos, just in case you run in to trouble. If you have any problems logging in or uploading images, let me know.

On to this week's homework. I know it sounds like a lot, but please give it your best effort:

1- Shoot and post a photograph depicting something "invisible" (how you choose to interpret this is entirely open to you). Be sure to include the word "invisible" in your post title. Please write a quick paragraph to introduce yourself.

2- Complete the survey, found here.

3- Begin shooting for our Week 1 Project "The Flaneuer", due next Monday. Take some time ever day to "wander" someplace new or unfamiliar. Pay attention to the things and moments that interest you and photograph them with intention.

4- Get used to taking your camera with you everyday. Don’t self-edit right now—just shoot as much as possible. 

5- Read through your camera's manual. If you don't have your manual, you may be able to find it online here:

That’s it! If you have any difficulty accessing the blog, or if you just have any questions ab
out the supply list or anything that we covered in the syllabus today (or if there is anything in particular you'd like to make sure we cover), please let me know.

I’m looking forward to next week!







Bigger opportunities.


Friday, September 20, 2019

How to Post to the Blog

Hi everybody!


Here is a short video about how to make a blog post:

Here is another on how to upload a photo to the blog:

You cannot upload a raw file, so you will need to upload using the .jpg file from your camera. If you post your images to the web already using Flickr or another online service, you can link that image directly.

Just a reminder that your first post must be made before our next class this coming Saturday, so if you are running into any trouble, let me know right away!

Welcome to Parsons Pre-College Academy Digital Photography Fall 2019!

Robert Frank, Ranch Market, Hollywood, 1956

Welcome to Parsons Pre-College Academy Digital Photography Fall 2019!

This is the class blog which will serve as the central information hub for homework assignments, helpful tutorials, daily class outlines, reading materials/downloads, and more. You will be referencing the site daily and will post your homework and all final projects here.

To start, please click on this link to fill out a short survey.

Looking forward to a great Fall session!