Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week 6 Wrap-Up

Henri Carier-Bresson, Derrière la gare Saint-Lazare, Paris, France, 1932

Hi Everyone!

Sorry this post is a little late going up. I hope that you and a fantastic Hallowe'en!

This week in class, we took a shooting trip to Washington Square Park and the West Village to practice street photography. From what I've seen so far, it looks like you all had some great moments.

If you weren't in class this last week, we looked at street photography and specific shooting techniques to help us get better photo images. I've posted the slideshow to the class Dropbox, and there is a great article that goes over the techniques here to show you what they mean alongside examples. Even if you were in class, it would be a good idea to take a look to refresh yourself as to what each means.

The techniques we looked at are:

1. The Decisive Moment
2. Juxtaposition
3. Surrealism
4. Image Interaction
5. Symbols

The assignment was to capture (and post to the blog) and example for each of these, along with a sixth image "shot from the hip" (in other words, shot with the camera held at your side instead of at eye level).

If you weren't in class, you have until 11/14 to post these, so you can talk to me in class if you have any questions.

This week, we will be going to MoMA, so come prepared:
--2 rides Metro Card fare
--Parsons ID AND High School ID
--$14 (just in case--I will explain below)
--Pencil & Notebook.

PACK LIGHT--if you have a big bag, you will need to check it, which will slow us down.
Your Parsons ID should get you in for free. If that doesn't work, then your High School ID should do the job. The $14 is just in case--sometimes they can be strangely strict about admissions.

DON'T BE LATE TO CLASS! We have limited time, so we will not be able to wait around if you are late.

REMINDER: 11/14 is our second crit!

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