Monday, February 20, 2017

Week 4 Wrap-Up

Hiroshi Sugimoto, Union City Drive-In, 1993
Hi Everybody!

I hope you are having  fantastic long weekend!

This week we concentrated on manual exposure and refining our metering skills. If you aren't already, please shoot in full manual mode for the rest of the semester. It may feel clunky now, but I promise that it will get much faster and feel more intuitive very quickly, as long as you put in the time now.

Keep track of any questions or difficulties that come up while working this way and bring them with you to class.

Now on to this week's homework:

-Please complete and post the manual exposure assignment that we worked on in class. For those of you who weren't in class this week, it is similar to last week's assignment, but this time done entirely in manual mode:

1. Maximum depth of field (as much in focus as possible):

2. Minimum depth of field (as little in focus, besides your subject, as possible:

3. Blurred Motion:

4. Frozen Motion:

5. Portrait of a stranger;

6. Candid photo of a stranger:

7. Long exposure at night:

8. 1 subject (your choice), 3 photos—correctly exposed, 1 stop overexposed, 1 stop underexposed:

Don't forget to include your exposure (ISO, shutter speed, aperture) for each.

-Next week is our first crit.  For next class, bring 10 images from your series. Before class, separate the ten images into a folder with your name. Please use jpg or tifs, not the raw files (they take a long time to open). We will have a little bit of time at the start of class if you need a little help getting your images sorted, but please come as prepared as possible.

-If you won't be in class next week, post your ten images to the class blog by FRIDAY night at the latest.

That's it for now! Contact me if you have any questions about your series or next week's class.

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