Saturday, March 31, 2018

Week 9 Wrap-Up

László Moholy-Nagy: The Olly and Dolly sisters, around 1925
I can't believe next class is our final critique!

This week we had an open lab session to work on our final edits for the exhibition.

Here is what you need to have with you for next class:

For the critique:
-10 new images from your series. Please have these separated into their own folder before you come to class

For the exhibition:
-10 images from your series (choose your best 10), highest quality version possible (if you've done any image processing in Camera Raw, Lightroom, Photoshop, or any other photo editing software, make sure you give me the edited file)
-Final draft of your artist statement 

If you do not give me these by the end of class* YOU WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE EXHIBITION. My only opportunity to print will be right after class on Saturday.

*If you will miss class for some reason, I will need you to send me your files and statement. CONTACT ME FIRST--your files will be too big to email and I will give you instructions on how to get them to me.

That's it! Your homework for the week is the following:

-Send me the latest draft of your artist statement, once you have received feedback to your first draft.
-Get everything prepped and separated for next class.
-Keep shooting, and please get in touch with any questions.

 If you would like feedback on an edit for the show or on any specific images, either email me or upload them to the blog.

See you next week!

2nd Crit

Details for Final Portfolio

Mike Brodie, from the series A Period of Juvenile Prosperity

Here is a break down of what is due over the coming weeks and how to turn it in:

Due 4/7 (next week!):
  • 10 new images from your series for in-class critique (our final!)
  • 2nd draft of your artist statement
  • Your 10 best images for the exhibition:
    • Can be any 10 images from this semester, as long as they are part of your series.
    • Should be highest-quality versions of these images, ideally saved as processed TIFs.
    • Will turn in at start of class. I will save them to my hard drive.
If I don't have these by the end of next class, you will not be included in the exhibition. 

Due by 4/14 (last day of class!):
  • A USB drive or DVD labelled with your first name, containing the following:
    • A folder containing the 20+ final images of your series. 
      • Should be highest-quality versions of these images, ideally saved as processed TIFs
    • A folder containing all of your homework assignments, separated by week. 
      • These should be your original files or processed TIFs, and not images you copied off the blog.
If I don't have these by the end of class you will not receive credit for the semester.

The final USB can be turned in next class if you have everything ready early.

Week 8 homework

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Week 8 Wrap-Up

Jon Henry, Nefertit from the series “Stranger Fruit.”

Hi everybody!

Thanks for a great second critique!

Don't forget that due to Spring Break we do not have class next Saturday.
Class will resume March 31st, which will be our last in-class work session, so be sure to bring all of your project photos with you.

For those of you who were't in class this week, please post your 10 images before the end of the weekend. This will give your classmates a chance to give you some feedback that you can put to use over the holiday.

When we return in two weeks, be sure to bring your 2nd critique images so we can share feedback with you formally. Come prepared since we will jump right in at the start of class.

For those who were in class, post the 10 images you shoed during class and be sure to leave comments on your classmate's posts.

On to this week's homework:

  • Post your 10 images for the 2nd critique (even especially if you weren't in class)
  • Submit the first draft of your artist statement. I will post some resources to the blog (found by clicking the How-To tab along the top) that will help get you started. Keep in mind this is a first draft and isn;t expected to be perfect or anywhere near resolved.
  • Post an image to the blog responding to the feedback you received during the crit. If you weren't in class, post a new image shot sometime during the break.
Our next class will be an open session to prepare your files for the exhibition and for turning in the final. Please bring ALL of your files with you. For those of you who were absent, we will go over image processing with Camera Raw and introductory Photoshop.

Please be in touch with any questions at all—we are getting down to the wire!

That's all for now. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!