Saturday, March 3, 2018

Week 6 Wrap-Up

Peter Hujar, Sheryl Sutton, 1977

Hello everyone!

Today we went to the Morgan Library to see the exhibition Peter Hujar: Speed of Life.

Thanks for being such an attentive group and asking our educator great questions.

On to this week's homework:
  • Continue working on your series. Our next critique is only two weeks away!
  • Create and post a photograph inspired by the exhibition we saw today. Look at Hujar's use of light and shadow, and pay close attention to how he arranges and poses people and objects in the frame. The image doesn't have to be in black & white, but I encourage you to try it out.
  • Complete and post any missed homework ASAP.
I will be sending out mid-term check-ins and evaluations this week, so please make sure you've taged your homework posts with your name.

Next week, we will be doing a review of manual exposure and Camera Raw. If you haven't already, please review the manual exposure articles here and the Camera Raw tutorial here. Be sure to bring all of your files (and a hard drive) with you.

That's all for now. If you need anything before next class, just let me know!

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