Saturday, March 12, 2016

Week 7 Wrap-Up

Gregory Crewdson, Untitled (Ophelia), 2001
Hi Everybody!

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather this weekend!

Today we talked about narrative and constructed photography, and did a collaborative project in class.

If you weren't in class today, I've posted the slideshow to the class Dropbox.

Next weeks our 2nd critique! Please come prepared with ten new images from your series, separated in to a folder with your name on it on a USB.

For homework this week, keep shooting for next week's crit. 
We are also getting started on our Artist Statements. In preparation for the first draft, write three sentences about your series. Even if you aren't completely sure how to talk about your series, just free-write and get words down. Email the sentences to me before next class.

I will be working on mid-semester evaluations this week, so if you missed posting a homework assignment, now is your chance to get it on the blog.

I will be in the classroom early next week if you need time to prep your files for class or if you have any questions.

That's it for now--see you next week!

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