Sunday, April 10, 2016

Parsons Photo - Week 10 Wrap-Up

Gabriel Orozco, 'Extension of Refelection', 1992

Hi Everyone,

This is it! Our final exhibition is this Saturday!

Just a reminder, we will be meeting in our regular room at 10 am. We won’t be staying long, so make sure you are on time.

You will be turning in your final project (20+ images) and all of the homework assignments from the semester on a DVD or USB drive. Remember, if I don’t have it in my hands before the end of class, you won’t get credit for the class.

From there, we will move to the exhibition space to hang our show, before we open it up to the public.

From 12-1pm friends and family are invited to come and view the show. I don’t know which room we will be in yet, so ask your friends and family to come to the lobby of 2 West 13th Street for refreshments and a room list that let them know where we are.

Before Saturday, make sure you post your full series to the blog.

That’s it! If you have any questions, make sure you get in touch before Saturday.

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