Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Details for Final Portfolio

Mike Brodie, from the series A Period of Juvenile Prosperity

Here is a break down of what is due tomorrow and how to turn it in:

  • Your 10 best images for the exhibition:
    • Can be any 10 images from this semester, as long as they are part of your series.
    • Should be highest-quality versions of these images, ideally saved as processed TIFs.
If I don't have these by the end of next class, you will not be included in the exhibition. 
  • A USB drive or DVD labelled with your first name, containing the following:
    • A folder containing the 20+ final images of your series. 
      • Should be highest-quality versions of these images, ideally saved as processed TIFs
    • A folder containing all of your homework assignments, separated by week. 
      • These should be your original files or processed TIFs, and not images you copied off the blog.
    • A folder with your completed video
    • A folder with your portrait assignments
If I don't have these by the end of class you will not receive credit for the semester.


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