Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Week 2, Day 2 Wrap-Up

Hi Everyone.

Thanks for braving the weather today! Tomorrow will be a lot warmer. Just a reminder--we will be taking another field trip, so come prepared and bring subway fare for two trips.

Today we went to Coney Island to shoot the sand and surf. Hopefully nobody got too sunburned.
On to tonight's homework:
  • Post 3-12 images from todays Coney Island trip. Be sure to include what your topic of focus was
  • Post 1 photo from our subway ride. Even if you weren't happy with how your image turned out, please post it anyway and tell us a little about what you dislike about it.
  • Keep shooting for your series and your video.
Tomorrow afternoon we will have an open lab session to give you a chance to work on your images and video, so don't forget to bring your files (and a hard drive!) with you.

If you have any questions about any of this, please get in touch.

See you tomorrow!

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