Hello! I'm Anna,
I love long uninhabited beaches in Italy, lost trinkets, colorful scarves, pennies with the heads side up, and my very old and very cared for camera. Photography first got introduced to me when my grandmother, a photographer, gave me an old, used camera for a holiday (the same camera I use to this day). I was amazed at how this machine could snap such beautifully lit scenes and make even just a simple street sign look poetic. Ever since then, I started taking picture of flowers, buildings, anything I saw, until I realized my love for portraits and photographing people in general. The emotion a camera can capture: every eye crease, smile line, and expression is just so exciting and mysterious in photographs of people.
The first picture is a piece of work my grandmother (Luisa Contarello) made: she loves making overlays of her own photography and old art. She is my ultimate inspiration and I hope to make art as captivating and mischievous as hers!
The second photo is a photo I took of my friend Kayla (I call her Kayak) and I personally think this is one of my best photos. I'm quite proud of it!