Monday, August 8, 2016

Aly Kula (HW post)

I've been into photography for around 5 years now (since 7th grade) and now plan to further study it as I move into my college years. I've expanded my horizons, and for the past year have worked with signed models, Youtubers, and singers, some who I've grown very close to. I've also made some of my best friends through social media combined with my interest in photography who I work alongside with today and help me become more experienced. I have also been into drawing since I was very young, but photography has become my main interest and something I really enjoy as both a job and hobby, and it is also something that has helped me become more outgoing in these past years.


  1. This is an amazing picture! I love the way that you positioned the tree branch slightly over her face without it completely taking up the shot :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Awesome shot! This is gorgeous!

  4. This is a beautiful picture! I love the colors, they all go really well together
