Saturday, November 10, 2018

Week 8 Wrap-Up

Jon Henry, Nefertit from the series “Stranger Fruit.”

Hi everybody!

Thanks for a great second critique!

For those of you who were't in class this week, please post your 10 images before the end of the weekend. Next week, be sure to bring your 2nd critique images so we can share feedback with you formally. Come prepared since we will jump right in at the start of class.

For those who were in class, post the 10 images you showed during class and be sure to leave comments on your classmate's posts.

On to this week's homework:

  • Post your 10 images for the 2nd critique (even especially if you weren't in class)
  • Submit the first draft of your artist statement. I will post some resources to the blog (found by clicking the How-To tab along the top) that will help get you started. Keep in mind this is a first draft and isn;t expected to be perfect or anywhere near resolved. If you weren't in class this week, we will talk more about this next class.
  • Post an image to the blog responding to the feedback you received during the crit.
Our next class will be an open session to prepare your files for the exhibition and for turning in the final. Please bring ALL of your files with you. For those of you who were absent, we will complete the 2nd crit and go over image processing with Camera Raw and introductory Photoshop.

Please be in touch with any questions at all—we are getting down to the wire!

That's all for now.

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