Friday, October 16, 2015

HW #3: Photo Scavenger Hunt

1. Maximum Depth of field - f 22, Shutter Speed: 1/160, ISO: 3200 [Blue]

2. Minimum Depth of field - f 4.5, Shutter Speed: 1/20, ISO: 200 [Obscure]
3. Blurred - f 22, Shutter Speed: 1/4, ISO: 100 [Ghost]
4. Frozen - f 4.5, Shutter Speed: 1/800, ISO: 100 [Electric]
5. Portrait of a stranger - f 4.5. Shutter Speed: 1/125, ISO: 100 [Sticky, Smelly]
6. Candid photo of a stranger - f 5.6Shutter Speed: 1/30, ISO: 100 [Winged]
7. Exposure - f 5Shutter Speed: 1/4, ISO: 100 
8. Subject (Exposure) - f 13Shutter Speed: 1/30, ISO: 200 [Dots]
Underexposure - f 13Shutter Speed: 1/320, ISO: 200 [Dots]
Overexposure - f 25Shutter Speed: 1/1600, ISO: 200 [Dots]

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