Friday, February 1, 2019

“Invisibility” is just a Phase

I usually don’t do so well when it comes to broad topics but when I think of invisibility I think of something that hasn’t or can’t be seen. In that sense I thought that what is invisible to me are outcomes, because nothing is certain in our lives even if we plan out everything. This photo is a structure that was on display at the Whitney Museum and it only shows the interior structure of what would be a building. This shows “invisibility” because you can’t really see it when the product is finished, but also you can’t really tell what it will become later on if it will continue to expand, stay the same or maybe to be tumbled again for something else. “Invisibility” would be something that is not yet in our understanding and the perspective of this photo shows the black space that is at the end of the tunnel and it signifies the uncertain.

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