Saturday, February 23, 2019

Week 5 Wrap-Up

Hi Everybody!

Our first crit went great! You all did great job and I can't wait to see what you do next.

Next week those who weren't in class may have a chance to share their work--please come prepared.

For those who weren't here, post 10 images from your series to the blog before next week.

We will also be taking a field trip to a museum to see a photo exhibition--please come with a metro card with at least two rides on it, and be sure to pack lightly (camera, notebook, writing utensil). Don't be late!

On to this week's homework:

1. Post the images that you showed in class to the blog. If you weren't in class, post the 10 images you would have shown and please bring them with you to class next week--we'll take a look at them as a group then.
2. Post one new image from your series that responds to the feedback you received in class.
3. If you weren't in class, keep working on your images and be sure to leave comments on your classmate's work.
4. Please leave feedback for Ebba on her 1st critique post.

Over the course of the weekend, i will be posting links to other artists that I mentioned during class. Please take a look!

That's it for now! As always, please be in touch with any questions, and see you next week!

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