Friday, August 9, 2019

20 Pictures

Here are my 20 pictures for Friday's critique, the second to last picture is intentionally blurry :)


  1. Hi Sophie.
    This is a great start--the color and the treatment of space feels very consistent and creates a unifying feeling that's a little lonely and a little anxious. They make me think of film stills from a movie I've never seen--like little pieces of a story that I don't have access to.
    I'd be interested in seeing what happens when you take this look and feeling to outside spaces.
    Ultimately, I would edit down the Winogrand pics--one or two at most.
    Really looking forward to seeing where this goes!

  2. The monochrome gives this series an eerie feeling. The photos string nicely together -- while in most of the photos the subjects are familiar objects, because of the tone it paints them in a unsettling manner. Super cool!

  3. i can definitely see the common theme. love your color scheme! some of the pictures i'm not exactly sure of they are intentionally blurry, for example, the second and fourth picture. i appreciate the pictures of the photographs but i feel like your series would be more intriguing if you explored different subjects, specifically for those. nice job sophie!!

  4. i really like how this series doesn't use a colour scheme you'd expect to see instead it uses something completely different that makes it stand out. I think that going further with this series you could like not just use the colour scheme to connect the images but also common subjects.

  5. I really like how different this series is. The fact that you used a UV light as a way to look at the world is very intriguing to me. I would like to see more photos in different locations and for you to just keep experimenting. Very cool!

  6. i really like the idea of this series and its very unique but i thought if the series could have taken place outside and not only in a closed placed it could have been more interesting

  7. I think the lighting you used in your photos is really cool! I agree with what other people said, I think it would be really cool to have some photos in other locations. I really like the similar colors/aesthetic in these pictures though

  8. I think it's really interesting how you have a consistent color scheme, even when the photos were taken in different places. I like how you were really close to the objects you photographed.

  9. I think that these photos all posses a truly unifying feel and aesthetic that you captured perfectly. Although I do agree with what others have said and I feel that it would be cool to see different locations.

  10. I think these photos capture light in a very unique way. The only critique i would suggest is to try new landscapes and locations.

  11. I liked that most of the photos looked very similar and that there was a clear theme, but I saw a couple pictures that seemed pretty different from the others (the 10th photo and the last photo) so I just thought maybe you could find more different pictures so as to make those two seem less out of place or take out those two and replace them with more similar ones? I did really like the strangeness of these photos though and I liked that for some of them you can't quite tell what it is you're looking at.
