Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Week 2 Day 3 Wrap-Up

Allan Sekula, Dear Bill Gates, 1999
Hi Everybody!

This morning, we took a trip to Central Park to take one last deep dive into Manual Exposure. After, we visited Marian Goodman Gallery to see Allan Sekula: Labor's Persistance.

In the afternoon, we took a closer look at the Photoshop workflow, working with retouching and specific image adjustments. We also worked on putting together the final exhibition portfolio.

(for more details about how to put together your final portfolio, including what is due when, please see the blog post here).

If you haven't already, you will be receiving revisions and suggestions to the first draft of your artist statement just shortly. Please respond to those revisions and send me the second draft before tomorrow's class.

If you have already posted the stranger portrait from this morning to the class blog, there is no new homework, aside from working on your artist statement, as well as capturing any last minute photos or videos for your final portfolio.

We will spend most of tomorrow in an open lab session, so please come prepared with all of your files, just in case.

As always, please reach out with any questions. See you tomorrow!

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