Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Week 1 Day 3 Wrap-Up

- Liz Johnson Artur, Untitled (PDA), 2018

Hi Everyone!

Today we visited the Brooklyn Museum and discussed photography, documentary work, printing and contemporary video while looking at the work of Gary Winogrand and Liz Johnson Artur. We also saw the exhibition Nobody Promised You Tomorrow: Art After Stonewall.

On to tonight's homework:
  • Continue working on your series and your Week 1 project. Our first critique is Friday!
  • Start brainstorming for your video project. Begin shooting video for it if you are ready.
  • Complete shooting your video record for today. Be sure to bring your video footage and photo files with you tomorrow. We will be starting to work with video and photo editing software tomorrow.
That's all for today--see you tomorrow!

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