Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Day 3 Wrap-Up

Josef Koudelka, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Slovakia. Zehra. 1967.

Hi Everyone!

Today we saw the Magnum Manifesto at the International Center of Photography and discussed photojournalism and documentary work. 

We also took a first look at shooting video with our cameras and watched examples of video art work.

There are a few points that I neglected to mention during class:

- The target length for your video is around 2 minutes. It can be longer, but please keep it to something you can manage in the short time that we have.
- The theme of your video can relate to the theme of your photo series or it can be something completely different. It's up to you.

Here is tonight's homework:

- Create and post a photograph of something "invisible". What this might be is entirely up to your interpretation.
- Download the video that you shot this afternoon at home. Watch it full scree with headphones on. This will help give you a better idea of how your camera is handling focus and audio recording.
- Shoot a few different video clips of anything and bring them with you to class tomorrow.
- If you haven't already, begin shooting your photo series.

Tomorrow, we are taking a field trip to the Avedon Foundation. We will be leaving a little earlier than today, so please be on time to class (and don't forget to have your MetroCard fare ready).
In the afternoon, we will have a visiting artist who will work with us on video editing.

That's all for today--see you tomorrow!

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