Thursday, August 10, 2017

Day 4 Wrap-Up

Richard Avedon, Ronald Fischer "Beekeeper", Davis, California (“In The American West”), 1981
Hi Everyone!

Today we visited the Avedon Foundation to learn more about the work of Richard Avedon.

We also had guest artist Michael Castaldo share his work with us and lead us through an Adobe Premier workshop.

Tomorrow will be our first critique. Be sure to bring all of the images that you have shot so far with you. In the morning we will begin working with Photoshop and will create an edit of 10 images from your series to share in the afternoon.

For homework, please continue shooting photographs related to your series in preparation for tomorrow. There is nothing that needs to be posted to the blog tonight, but please take some time to leave comments on other students' posts.

Don't hesitate to get in touch if yo have any questions!

If you'd like to learn more about the Avedon Foundation's internship program, please contact or let me know and I'll put you in touch directly with the internship coordinator.

See you tomorrow!

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