Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Final Exhibition & Portfolio Details

Mike Brodie, from the series A Period of Juvenile Prosperity

Here is a break down of what is due over the next two days and how to turn it in:

All prints must be completed before Friday's class. We will not have class time to print tomorrow, so any last minute printing will need to be done on your own time.

Final Artist Statements are due by end of day on Thursday. You will be receiving one more round of edits from me between tonight and tomorrow morning.

Due by FRIDAY morning (last day of class!):
  • A USB drive or DVD labelled with your first and last name, containing the following:
    • A folder containing the 20+ final images of your series. 
      • Should be highest-quality versions of these images, ideally saved as processed TIFs
    • A folder containing all of your homework assignments, separated by week. 
      • These should be your original files or processed TIFs, and not images you copied off the blog.
    • A folder containing your exported video (exported as H.264) 
    • Your Artist Statement
Please see the photo below illustrating how to organize your USB.

Please note that there will not be time during class on Friday to work on putting everything together.

In order to receive credit for the semester, I have to have all of this by Friday latest.

The final USB can be turned in tomorrow if you have everything ready early.

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