Monday, June 10, 2019

Week 2 Day 1 Wrap-Up

Aida Muluneh, Strength in Honor, 2016

Hi Everybody!

Today we visited Electronic Arts Intermix for a private screening of artist videos and films.
This morning, we looked at the fundamentals of recording video using the manual settings on our cameras.

Tomorrow afternoon, we will have a guest artist who will lead a video editing workshop with us. Be sure to bring multiple video clips (and a hard drive to save your work on).

On to tonight's homework:

  • Begin Week 2 Project: Self / Reveal
  • Continue shooting photo and video for your project
  • Be sure to complete this past weekend's homework (listed below):
    • Post at least one image that is responding to the feedback that you received today.
    • Complete and post the Manual Exposure Worksheet. Be sure to list your exposure for each shot.
That's it for tonight--see you tomorrow!

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