Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Week 3 Day 2 Wrap-Up

Alanna Fields, Untitled (Blue), 2019
Hey Everybody!

We're getting down to the wire!

Today, we spent the morning working on prepping our files for printing as well as taking a quick look at printing on the Epson printers.

Tomorrow, we will have a fell day in the printing lab to prepare prints for our exhibition.

As a reminder, we will begin class in the lab itself (Room 703).

We also had a visit from Alanna Fields sharing more about her process and work with us. You can see more of her work here.

That's all for tonight--if you haven't already, you will be receiving edits on suggestions for your artist statement fro me shortly. In the meantime, be sure to bring all of your files with you tomorrow so we can work as efficiently as possible tomorrow.

See you tomorrow!

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