Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Manual Exposure Worksheet

    Maximum depth of field 
    ISO 1600 F22 SS 1/500

    Minimum depth of field 
    ISO 800 F2.8 SS 1/640

    Blurred Motion 
    ISO 200 F22 SS 3.2

    Frozen motion 
    ISO 200 F13 SS 1/60

    Portrait of a stranger 
    ISO 200 F3.2 SS 1/3200

    Candid photo of a stranger 
    ISO 200 F8.0 SS 1/80

    Long exposure at night 
    ISO 800 F4.0 SS 2

    Overexposed subject
    ISO 12800 F3.5 SS 1/160

Underexposed subject 
    ISO 3200 F4.0 SS 1/125

    Correctly exposed subject
    ISO 3200 F4.0 SS 1/125

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