Monday, June 17, 2019

Week 3 Day 1 Wrap-Up

Richard Avedon, Ronald Fischer "Beekeeper", Davis, California (“In The American West”), 1981
Hi Everyone!

It's hard to believe this is our final week.

Today we visited the Avedon Foundation to learn more about the work of Richard Avedon.

If you'd like to learn more about the Avedon Foundation's internship program, please contact or let me know and I'll put you in touch directly with the internship coordinator.

We also discussed printing for the final exhibition. Remember, if you plan to make any prints larger than 17" wide on the short side, they will need to be submitted by early evening tomorrow at the latest.

For more information about these prints (including available sizes, prices, and how to format and submit your files), please click on the following link here.

For tomorrow, be sure to bring all of your files with you. We will be doing a printing demo in the morning and working on prepping files for the exhibition (as well as taking a deeper dive into Photoshop) in the afternoon.

See you tomorrow!

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