Friday, February 5, 2016

About Me - Jabari Watkins

Hi. I'm Jabari Watkins, Brooklyn born and raised. I guess I've always had a thing for the arts. I want to pursue a career in Architecture. I've taken some courses here at Parsons, like Architecture (several times) with Ian Gordon and Graphic Design with Steven Kennedy. During one of my Architecture classes, I built a model so good that the teacher put it in his portfolio! I've also took classes like stop motion, Illustration, Drawing, Print Making and more at Pratt when I was younger. I draw every now and then so I can make my skills sharper. I want to try my hand at Photography and see what I can do, and put some great photos in my Portfolio.

I run on the track team at my school, MECPS and I like the New York Knicks. I'm 16 years old. I also like soccer, admiring teams like FC Bayern Munich. I like listening to Rap,R&B and more. I like Reese's and my favorite color is blue. I also like to watch South Park and play PS4. My favorite games are the Assassins Creed series,Uncharted Series, Infamous Series and GTA.

Another reason I chose to take Photography is because I live in such a great city and I want to be able to document what it has to offer. I think New York City is a great canvas for the arts, whether it be Architecture, Photography or whatever.

This is a photo I took of the buildings surrounding NBBJ Architecture firm I visited with my class. I chose this photo because as I said earlier, New York is a canvas for the arts and I think this image properly shows how that canvas is used to portray great Architecture.

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